Be sure to click below for the rest of their lovely wedding day, prep pics, formal portraits, and the ceremony!

Cari and Stephane were married several months ago in San Francisco, some photos from their engagement session are here. The day started early with makeup at Sephora, then returning to the St. Marks Hotel where Cari had her hair done by her sister in law, who did an amazing job.

They didn’t have a wedding party, but one of Cari’s best friends was her companion while getting ready, and Stephanes best friend had flown in from France with his wife.

Since we were in a beautiful hotel, we decided to do some portraits in the upstairs balcony. Stephane and most of Cari’s family had gone ahead to Spruce, the restaurant where the ceremony would take place.

I just love this photo of Cari’s father in the car on the way to the ceremony. He was so happy.

Meanwhile, I’d asked my second photographer, the very talented Morgan Bellinger to be at Spruce to cover the guests arriving and watch Stephane get nervous.


The dog painting became a bit of a joke. When Cari and Stephane booked the front room for the ceremony and the back dining room for the meal, they inquired if the dog painting could be removed – and apparently, it can’t. Under no circumstances. So I promised them we’d make sure to get some photos of the ceremony without the dog in them!

Time for Cari to arrive…

After the ceremony everyone was laughing, the room was so small that the whole event had a poignant intimacy to it.

There was plenty of wine for the grownups, and sparkling apple juice for the kids.

We didn’t shoot the dinner as the dining room was crowded, dim, and the servers needed the space more than we did. It was a lovely day!

Venue – Spruce Sf

Second Shooter – Morgan Bellinger



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