24 hours later and this still feels overwhelming. It’s almost hard to believe that this long road is over, that DOMA is put to rest and Prop 8 is officially part of California history. The celebration last night in San Francisco was epic, of course. Most touching to me were the families with children who showed up, as well as the older GLBT people. I’m in my mid-thirties and this is a tremendous victory, but I cannot imagine what it would have been like to been unable to marry my partner for most of our adult lives.

The ACLU has released a pdf of useful information for same-sex couples in California interested in being married, it’s right here.

Can you imagine a world where these two adorable people can’t marry? Me neither.

And yup, that person popped the question to their partner at 18th and Castro st.

A resounding ‘yes’!

More photos below the cut. Congrats to all the newly engaged couples, to the already committed couples who can now benefit from legal protections, to our GLBT soldiers who now have marriage benefits, and to couples separated by geography who can now be together in the United States. We did it, everyone. Love triumphs.

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2 Responses to Marriage Equality Celebration in the Castro

  1. Zannie says:

    Sadly, DOMA is not gone. At least one part of it remains: the part saying states don’t have to recognize same sex marriages performed elsewhere. I’m not sure what else might still be in effect.

    But, I think the parts that were invalidated were the most devastating parts, the ones causing the most suffering. So bully for that!

  2. Liz S. says:

    Really touching photos! My fiance cried when he looked at this post. 🙂

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