San Francisco Nightclub Photography – Art Church
I don’t often shoot at clubs, but a friend of mine is getting a new project off the ground. Art Church is a monthly club of music with live models – the idea being that people will bring their sketchbooks and pencils to do life drawing before hitting the dance floor. It’s a fun idea, and will be happening monthly at Cat Club.
Couple more beneath the jump, including one model with an unusual color feature in one eye!
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Hayes Valley Encouragement
San Francisco Maternity – Sasha, Nate, and (forthcoming) Shannon
Babies, Babies, Babies! A ton of my friends are having children this year, I suppose I’ve finally reached that age where we’re all settling down and starting families. This means I get to hang out with kids, get spit up on, cried at, and bounce them to sleep. And, of course, take some photos…
Baby Shannan arrived yesterday, and I can’t wait to meet her as soon as I shake this awful head cold!
Full set of images from this session and the baby shower are here.
One photo from their shower as well, because they had the single best baby shower cake I’ve ever seen in my life, by SfBAYkes. Yes. That is an alien. Popping out of a stomach. Epic cake win.
San Francisco Product Photography – Millinery By The Indra
I absolutely love hats, and I was super excited when Indra approached me to do some product photos of her spring line. It’s been wonderful to watch the resurgence of high-end millinery as a fashion trend. We’re particularly blessed here in SF to have a number of fantastic local designers and shops selling top quality hats in a wide range of styles, Indra’s one of them. Check out her website at TheIndra, she hand-crafts wonderful, sculptural hats well suited for costuming, bridal, or that fancy afternoon tea party in the park.
Check below the cut for some more stunning hats by Indra…
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Sneak peek, Arizona Wedding Photography, Nicole and Tim
Nicole and Tim were married at Taliesin west. Full set of images will be posted soon.
San Francisco pooch parking lot
Shot last weekend in the Mission. I love the dogs of San Francisco.
San Francisco Bride in Golden Gate Park
I’m off to Phoenix today to shoot a wedding at Taliesin West, where the weather report is calling for 100 degree heat!
San Francisco Bride Portraits – Sutro Park
Spring has sprung big time in the bay area! We’ve been having torrential rain followed by days filled with enormous clouds flying across the blue sky. This is my favorite time of year, watching living things emerge from their winter sleep and I’ve been celebrating by spending as much time out in the garden as I can grab and shooting some new bridal portraits for my portfolio.
Many more below the cut, including this model’s adorable puppy, who loves to have her own photo taken. I love it when people bring their dogs on shoot.
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San Francisco Portrait Photography – Andrew Mayer
Andrew Mayer is both a talented author and very dapper fellow! I realized I have very few photos of men on the blog – and in fact, I’ve noticed that few photography tutorials or gear demos use male models. It’s frequently a male photographer shooting a female model… which is pretty odd considering how many super talented women photographers there are out there!
So male models (or would-be models), get in touch!
Gear – Shot with the Canon EOS 5D Mark II Digital Camera and Canon Wide Angle-Telephoto EF 24-105mm f/4L Lens in natural light.
Welcome, Maxwell Atticus Arthur
Kelly and Greg’s child has arrived, and he’s beautiful.
More photos to come, we have a newborn session scheduled for once the family gets all settled in at home.
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