Fuji X-Pro1 with Minolta M-Rokkor-QF 40mm
I’ve been testing out this Minolta M-Rokkor QF 40mm 2.0 that a friend loaned me to see if I want to take it on an upcoming trip and am fairly pleased with the results so far. It’s been an adventure getting used to manual focus again (modern DSLR’s really […]
Secrets to tell
Fuji X-Pro1, Fuji 18-55 mm f2.8
Picked up the Fuji 18-55 mm F2.8 for my upcoming trip to Vietnam and Thailand and have been enjoying it as a city carry around lens.
Point Bonita Lighthouse, Fuji X-pro1
As I told a client last week “Bay Area weather is always an unknown. It might be sunny, or foggy, or both at the same time.” This was the case on a Sunday; we hiked out to the Point Bonita Lighthouse and spent some much needed time sitting on […]
San Francisco Botanical Garden
The weather was so beautiful today, I took a few hours off of work to wander in the San Francisco Botanical Garden with my Fuji X-pro1. (All images shot with the 35mm lens, although I’m strongly tempted to pick up the 60mm as a holiday gift for myself!)
Fuji X-Pro1 Firmware Update
I’m hip-deep in a lot of retouching, and have some fun stuff to share coming up – including a few amazing weddings. I did want to drop a note about the latest firmware update for the X-Pro1. MUCH faster focus and some nice options -faster write to the card, faster delete, just all around improved […]
Fujifilm X-Pro1
Plenty of other people and websites have reviewed this camera, but it was Zack Arias’s post about it which pushed me over the edge on making the purchase. I’ve been looking for a good travel/backpacking/street photography camera for a while. Much as I love the 5d Mk 2 and 3, carrying around that and […]
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