Tattoo Story – Cindy Emch
Cindy Emch aka Emchy is an accordion player, poet and pop culture dork. She has three bands and you can learn all about them and her writing on her home page.
This tattoo was gotten for my wife on our anniversary. Always superstitious, I modified the grammar to read Love for the […]
Devin – Tattoo Story
My chest piece was done in one sitting by my friend Jason Angst at the Brew City Tattoo Convention in 2009 (He won tattoo of the day for it). I got this tattoo at a time when a lot of friends of mine were going through a really hard time […]
Chance McKinsey – Tattoo Story
I wanted something simple for my first tattoo, and settled on my astrological symbol in the middle of a tribal sun. While looking for artists, I became inspired to start planning out my next, oh, dozen or so tattoos and found myself scribbling constantly in my sketchbook. One day, […]
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